
January 10, 2013

The World of Re-Do's!

Oh my the eternal world of re-do!  From talking to and reading other artist blogs, it seems the world of re-do exists for all of us.  We all land there from time to time, staying longer than we care to. I can't help but ask, what puts me there?  What makes us come back to a painting and know it's just not connecting. So we study and consider and layer in more elements, textures and colour.  Building, building, building.  In the end these are the paintings that make you dig deeper, exert more energy and wind up being truly one of a kinds, because you couldn't repeat the multi layered steps, ever!

Some of the re-do's come months later, you make some changes, find those missing connecting points and you know, this piece will find a home now.  I'm hoping that will be the case for these once I've completed the re-dos!

The first one is a redo of a 24x24 I had done just before Christmas, I didn't like the bottom portion and so set out to see how I could work around the add on elements and change out the bottom portion.  I think it's going to work.  I've done a number of these, similar but different each time, all of them have found good homes.

The other is just a small piece of a much larger two piece work.  The milky film over the blue is crackle, I added the blue and gold paper for contrast, but found it overwhelmed the painting, so I'm working to tone it down, make it less prominent and blend with the rest of the painting more.

"Repeats signal substance rather than dullness." Michele Cassou

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