
January 15, 2012

Oddly Stuck

I feel stuck!  A new year is suppose to be about fresh starts, renewed energy and determination.  Blogs and articles abound on tips, hints, motivations of how to get yourself going in 2012.  But I'm afraid I've hit the skids instead, and of course when that happens you start looking for reasons why, because hey we all want to at least 'feel' productive :-)

It doesn't help that my body has been going through an intense time of flare ups, the pain is acute, sleep is brief. (that's why I'm writing this at 3:30 in the morning)  There are a number of artist friends out there who suffer from various chronic conditions, like fibromyalgia, arthritis, back/neck pain and others. Living with chronic pain is a challenge to our artist endeavours, and I wonder how others handle these intense times when everything seems to slow with the pain?

The desire to create bubbles away inside you, but you have little energy or directive to begin and I'm trying to be okay with that for now.  This battle is fought and won in the mind and spirit so I focus on keeping them strong until my body begins to quite down.

These are not new pieces, but when bringing them home from Bistro 610 (formerly called Fusion) this is how I choose to put them on the wall and was quite struck by how they 'go' together without having been painted to do so.  In fact it was a potential client who brought my attention to how well they complement each other.  Which now has me considering doing a series of individual pieces that will co-ordinate with each other.  I know not a new concept to most of you, but this is my third year of painting and something I've not consciously done to date :-)  Something to let percolate.

"The creative spirit demands persistence."  Shaun McNiff
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