
June 20, 2011

Family Celebrations

Been off the grid this past week, had a double Birthday celebration to prepare for, my Mum turned 87 today along with my sister Kellie who was born on our Mum's birthday so we celebrate big time!  Besides it's a great excuse for the whole family to have a lobster feast, and boy do we feast.

I was so busy that I only got a few pictures, oh and Kel is going to love me for including the only shot I got of her, it happens to be her butt!  She's the one holding the camera while talking to our sister, Deb.  My Mum and Grace are in the photo as well.

Even the youngest of the clan, Addy is getting into the lobster fest, she wanted to hold that lobster right along with Grace :-)  You can see the guys on the deck in the background cooking the lobsters.  Any time with my family is a great time, but add some fun food to the mix and it soars!

Grace and I  also worked on a special gift for her teacher.  Well Grace painted the canvas I prepared by texturing with insolation foam and I watched, but I can't share the photo with you as it's a surprise.  Hope everyone had a great weekend as I did!

Read an interesting post over at Comfortable Shoes.  Here's a little snippet to spark your interest:

"I can’t give you permission to create or to call yourself an artist.
I can’t do that because the permission comes from within."
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