
January 25, 2011

Art That Changes Lives...

I need to follow up on the quote by Jim Robbins I posted last time.  It's one of those things that you know when you read it that it's important but your not sure exactly how or why.

"an artist is someone who refuses the tired and mundane scripts being offered, in exchange for the chance to actually change people's lives.  Really change people's lives.  The artist intends to reveal something through his art.  There is a declaration behind it. (Otherwise, the art becomes merely self-indulgent).  The art is the access point to a deeper, somewhat veiled reality.  It provokes us, stirs us, and tells us rumors of another world."

For real?  Do we, as artist believe our art can 'actually change people's lives?  I'm struggling with how on earth my abstracts could have that kind of impact.  It's something I've not really thought about and it's a little unnerving.  I see how the written word has that kind of effect, or music or realistic or more 'image' laden art, but abstracts...I had just never thought about it, or maybe I've just brushed up against it until now.  

Chaos & Calm (almost finished)
Like a large piece I did called 'Chaos & Calm' I gave it to my daughter for Christmas, because she found herself in it's forms.  There is that part of her that blazes with adventure and being out of control and then there is the linear, perfectionism that is equally a part of her.  I have to tell you I was shocked when she explained this to me, I just never realized that my art could echo in a viewers heart so strongly.  

So I wonder and ponder this and thought of all my blogging artist friends and their various artistic expressions, how do you feel about your art & what you create?  Do you hope it will impact lives with the kind of strength Jim talks about?
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