
July 30, 2015

Fired Up In The Studio!

If you follow me on Instagram or Facebook you know I've been preparing for some Art Fairs this summer.  To the mix I've added a new product, Tiles done with Alcohol Inks and most recently have fired up the inks to create some intricate new patterns.  Setting fire to the alcohol in the inks adds a new depth and dimension to the colours and patterns, amazing results!  To finish the tiles once I've set the inks with varying coats of varnish, I then cover them in an Artist grade Resin.  The resin adds a whole new dynamic and allows them to be used as Trivets, coasters, or whatever you imagination comes up with.  Interesting stuff for sure!

Had a great time at the Dooryard Art Festival Market last Saturday, it was a family affair!  My sister Kellie, joined me showing some of her wonderful Photography, and my Grand-daughter's Lyvia and Grace added some of their art pieces to the mix.  It was a busy booth, with happy customers and artists all round!

Next up, The Golden Unicorn Art Festival in Fosterville NB, 115 Forest City Rd. August 16th from 11am to 4pm-- live entertainment, great food various artisans and from 4:30 to 6pm The Mike Biggar Band will be preforming.  Sounds like a great day so be sure to check out The Golden Unicorn's website for all the details!

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