
May 3, 2013

Marketing Ideas Challenge With Leslie Saeta

Life has a way...of catching you off guard, leaving you floundering to manage.  Having one of those life moments and I'm afraid my art has taken a hit.  I can only trust the urge and ability to enter into the process of painting will return to me when I'm in a better head and heart space.

In the meantime, here's a piece that was a redo, I like it's long slender length and off course teal and golden crackle (it is golden not the orange showing here) always appeals to me.  It has a name now, 'Celestial'.

Have you heard about Leslie Saeta's 30 Marketing Ideas in 30 Days? If not you can check it out, there are a lot of us attempting to work on the marketing end of things. Thanks Leslie!

"Trusting the process is based on a belief that something valuable will emerge when we step into the unknown. There are elements of surrender and letting go...

The humblest expressions can be sources of insight and wonder...negative and fearful experiences can really test our capacity for positive reflection."  Shaun McNiff

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