
May 9, 2013

Creative Blocks

From my previous post you know I've been doing some of the marketing challenges, Leslie Saeta is suggesting in her 30 Marketing Ideas in 30 Days.  Some of them I've been doing others I'm developing, a fancy word for I'm trying!  On day 9 she challenged us to take more progression photos of our work, so this is my efforts to develop this one painting. It's one of those times I wish I had just left it alone!

Well, as you also know if you follow my blog, I've found myself dealing with some head and heart issues that have cut me off from my ability to enter into my own creative process.  I'm working hard to get to that place again, doing the inner work and then coming to the studio and attempting to paint.

Blocks are funny things, and because I've not been painting for long, my experience with them are minimal.  There's the usual January hump that I've found myself in these last few years, but I know they exist because my body (and the fibromyalgia) shuts down after the demands of the holidays and I simply need to rest, rebuild, and the flow returns.  But blocks that come from emotional pain and heartache, well that's new to me and the complete inability to even enjoy picking up a brush is, well, shocking!  Not that there has not been heartbreak and difficulties in the past, there have been, but I was able to use my art to express my pain and reach for the healing I found in the expression.

I guess in life one can never assume anything, nor should we expect that what got us past one hurdle will work exactly the same with the next.  We are wonderfully complex beings, and I can only hope at the end of this journey into greater venerability it will lead to a deeper expression with my art and life.  Many of you have left wonderfully encouraging words, they let me know that we are never alone and always there is a common bond that makes us human and part of a greater community.  Thank You...

"The Dragon of Control...The lack of inspiration is a cover-up; actually, you are full of feelings dying to express themselves. But they are not what you expect them to be and may shock you. The feelings that need to be felt are outside your familiar way of sensing yourself."  Michele Cassou
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