
January 31, 2013

Making Marketing Work For You

 This little duo is off to a decent start. Got the background done, collage elements drying, now I'm looking at finessing all those details and elements that bring it fully to life.  I really like the design concept and I can see myself playing with this idea more.  I did an underpainting of iridescent pearl so everything has a wonderful glow to it.  Lots of decisions to make yet I'm afraid.

When I've not been down and out this month I've been reading, working hard at gaining some marketing skills and determining what my best options are.  That's really the key, gaining the knowledge but then taking a hard look at the many variables that will affect you're marketing strategies.  There's the usual things to consider, costs, expertise, best venues, then there are the personal ones, like where you live, the options open to you, what your target audience is and as in my case what will my health issues allow me to do.  (That last one is huge for me, darn it!)

Jack White writes:

"Do your homework. Everyday I see artist frozen solid from the fear
of rejection. They put themselves in un-win-able situations and fret because they got
turned down. I preach as loud as old circuit riding preacher, "Know the gallery
before you make an appointment. Know what the shows want before you try to rent
tent space."   Fear of trying is more egregious than trying and failing. Failure is not
an option.  Never take things personal. I chose to pay no attention to the negative comments
and rush to the next store. I knew the more rejections the closer I was to a sale. I
knew the percentage was getting better with each rejection. Did their words sting?
Does a rooster crow? Of course their cutting words stung, but I couldn't take them
personally, because if I did, I'd toss in the towel. I would give up."
"Fear of losing what you have can either freeze or motivate you to action"

Love this man's writing and attitude!
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