
November 20, 2012

Self Promotion?

Happy Thanksgiving to my American friends!

It's a busy time in the studio working on commissioned pieces that unfortunately I can't share pictures of. Top secret you know, what with Christmas around the corner!  I've caught the Christmas spirit early this year, my decorations are up and I am anticipating the family and fun times to come.

I've been reading, something I do to recharge as well as educate myself.  Recently I purchased a PDF version of Jack White's book "Mastery of Self Promotion."  After reading a number of articles by Jack I was happy to see he offered them in downloadable formats.  I expect I'll purchase some of his other  books as well.  So here's the kicker, it's ourselves we should be promoting, not our art.

"We don't promote paintings; we promote the artist...Collectors don't say we purchased a print of a cottage with lights in the windows; they say we purchased a limited edition Kinkade.  So let's figure out your identity. What is the package we are going to market? What do you want people to know and think about you?"
"Give some serious consideration to the name you have chosen to work under. Just because it's your legal name does not mean that it has to be your 'stage' name. We need to invent a brand called you."

This discussion brought me back around to my deep desire to sign my maiden name to my art, Graham.    It's good to know there is a solid reason besides my hearts need to be fully myself with my art.

Jack's very pragmatic when it comes to the marketing end of what we create. Locally, a fellow New Brunswicker, Matt LeBlanc has been proving Jack's theory right.  Matt has created a brand around himself, he has worked hard and inventively to promote himself. When I think of Matt I think of him, what he represents how he has fleshed that out, then his art, which I love by the way.

It's a balancing act, creating the art, then finding ways to get it into the public eye, both take work and stretching ourselves.

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