
July 17, 2012

Dealing With The 'Uglies!'

As you can see I have a couple of canvases in the works. Nice sizes, 24x30" and a 20x24".  I like to post pictures of the various stages of ugly that a painting can pass through before it's done.  Reminds me that all is not lovely from the start, kind of like us!

Thing is about 'uglies' you can get bogged down right there if you're not careful.  You're thinking mind plays tricks on you pushing you to despair that you will ever get through to a better place.  The doubts can press in hard when your in the middle of dealing with  'the uglies' and you stop seeing the potential that's just waiting for the right elements to bring it forward.

"The great gift of creativity is that it does not let you mimic life in a satisfactory way. It forces you to really explore the truly vibrant within you."  Michele Cassou

That's why I love the process of creating so much, it allows me to explore those deeper places, express my struggles on canvas passing through the uglies to get to what is vibrant within me, within all of us.
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