
May 28, 2012

Connecting With Our Art

Opal Essence Acrylic/Inks 20x24" gallery canvas
Not ready to sign it just yet, but it's time to hang it on the wall so I can live with it long enough to know if it's done.  The first in my Essence of Opal series, I've learned some things that I hope to incorporate in the next one.

Had a great time this weekend watching my Grand-daughers perform in their Rock & Roll Cup gymnastics competition.  Lots of bling came home with them, they did great!  I posted videos to my facebook, what can I say, proud of my girls and the whole team.

"You cannot be connected by trying to be connected. You are connected only when you stop interfering with your natural intuition...Connection with your painting happens when you get out of the way and let intuition do its work."  Michele Cassou

Here's to connecting this week!
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