
February 18, 2012

For The Love Of Triptychs!

I'm finding a number of my clients prefer the look of triptychs.  The three piece panels seem to capture their imagination, allowing for more possibilities.  Right now the commissioned piece I'm working on is two 12 x 24"s flanking a larger 20 x 24" done in earth tones.  I had a lot of fun coming up with the overall design (always have to think ahead when working with the Gorilla Glue)  I've got the initial layers of paint down, now I'm finessing some detailing and considering additional glazes/washes of colour in places.  Taking pictures always helps me at this point, allowing me to see it more objectively and take notice of things that need help or are a problem.

Lots of things in life seem to require that step back and a closer look before you can really see what's happening and what you might need to do about it.

Just glad to be painting, how about you?
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