
February 2, 2012

Break Out

Just putting the finish on the triptych I've been working on the past week or so, the owner picks it up tomorrow.  They're happy and so am I.  It's some of the best work I've done to date!

Although it has been a major challenge, this new piece has turned out to be what I call a personal break out piece.  We all have them, that 'One' that pushes you, taking your current abilities and blending them with new inspiration and techniques that takes you to another level in your art.  When you stand back and look, you know you've gone to a place you've never been before and it does feel good :-)  Those that know you well and know each piece that you've created recognize it too.

You were right, my artistic blogging buddies, there was something just simmering away while I struggled with illness and being 'stuck' in January.  You encouraged me to just hang in there and in its time things would break open.  Thank you for your wisdom and encouragement, it's wonderful to have the support of those who've been there.

I've taken a lot of pictures with my little camera, unfortunately that's the best I can do before the piece leaves the studio for it's new home.  In time I'll share them with you, but I've got to wait for the big reveal before I can do that.  So for now this is just a snippet and a word of encouragement to those who are out there pushing themselves for their own break out piece or struggling through a slump, you will get there! Key to this happening for me has been a willingness to embrace my inner critic, allowing the questions to arise within that push me to go further, to try something else, something new, to risk what is for what can be.

"In order to improve, the process has to be able to look at itself and make adjustments. As I create there is a critic who accompanies each phase of the process. I embrace the critic as a companion, a necessary aspect of creative expression..."  Shaun McNiff  Trust The Process
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