
September 3, 2011

Lessons in Subtleties

I've been struck this week by the power of subtleties.  After living with some pieces for awhile I realized there were some minor thing each of them needed that could make all the difference.  Small things that perhaps no one would notice but would allow them to enjoy the piece more.  In one it was just one more short line of dripping gold that pulled the eye to where it needed to go.  It completed the design in my eyes. For another, a couple of elements stole the show taking away from the main feature, so I toned them down and am amazed at the harmony it created.  The last one, required a few collage pieces to take it just a little further as a finished piece.

Subtle changes that made a big impact overall.  It's also taught me a lesson in patience.  Not being too quick to release a piece, in fact, I'm haunted by some earlier pieces I let go of far too soon I fear.  I want to go back and look at them again, see if they are in need of a touch of subtle.

Still laying the foundation for my new canvas, thinking and planning and working in some texture before the paint begins to fly.

"Often we need to break down tired patterns before we can create anew...Everything can be put to use within the creative process." Shaun McNiff ~Trust The Process

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