
May 12, 2011

Blogging Spring Cleaning!

Doing a little blog housecleaning after reading Rice's great article at Creative Mixed Media.  She shoots straight from the hip and I so appreciate her candour.  My need for a good point and shoot digital camera just went to the top of the 'Need' list however.  Having good photos of your artwork is important if that's what you're blogging about!

I've finish up the large canvas I've been calling 'joyous' it's going to hang out on my wall for a time until I know that it's truly done.  Begun work on a new strata piece, love this part where I get to play with all these texturing tools and work on the basic design.  I've got a new stencil or two from Mary Beth's collection I intend to work into the pice as well.  If someone saw the array of items littering the big table in my loft, they'd wonder if I was into construction or art!  Think I'll start another piece for all the left over ideas and items I want to play with but can't include in the one I do have going.

Can't bring myself to publish the pictures of 'joyous' that my video camera took, especially in light of Rice's article :-)  Will have to wait until I either purchase that point and shoot or my daughter brings her big camera home with her!

Hope your having a creative week!

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