
January 20, 2011

Dreams Goals Under Wraps

I have to chuckle, after posting about Traci's journal prompts I decided it was time I took the time to just set down in ink some of my dreams, hopes and goals for the year.  I did as Traci suggested and got out my dip pen because I love fountain pens of any sort and just scrawled across the pages.  Then came paint, stamping, images and a film of vintage dress patterns over all.  My pages look nothing, and I mean nothing like the work Traci does, I just don't seem to have that wonderful graffiti style in me.  My blogging friend Mary does though, have a look what she got up to following Traci's suggestions!

Still I loved the process and that is what it's all about, self expression and taking the time to value your own dreams enough to write them down.  For me these pages aren't about pretty, good thing, they were about the words, the promise, the imagery that took over as I worked.  It does feel strange though not to be able to go and read a nice little list of goals they are all covered up in a thin film of tissue.  I expect that the list will get done in my catch all notebook, better known as being over 50, you need lists or you won't know what the heck your doing day by day!   
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