
August 30, 2013

Creating an Abstract

The end of August, how'd that happen!  I expect there are a lot of us feeling the same way, time does seem to move faster than we want it to.

Completed a new piece, in a new colour palette and I'm really happy with how it turned out and am enjoying this palette. I've named the piece, "Heaven Declares."

Started here with my shapes, kind of had an idea in mind with this one. Then I added the webbing/netting for a wonderful textural movement throughout the piece. Decorative papers and crackle was added. I never seem to get pictures of all the texturing I do, I think it's because my hands are in such a sticky mess I never think to pick up the camera.

The texturing is left to dry for a day including my circle designs, then the first washes of paint.

Again, I give this a day to dry and allow me time to consider it and how I want to proceed in finishing it out. In this case I added some bling to the crackle as well as some splatters. I also warmed up some Cobalt blue and my funky purple and did some splattering, as you can see in the detailed shots.

I'm waiting to get my new camera next week before listing it on my website, but I do have these photos up on my Facebook Fan Page, under Available Paintings Album, if your interested in purchasing it.

I'll leave you with a few thoughts from Michele Cassou:

"You need to return to the place before your judgments took over. Every judgment or criticism brings a desire to control your images and colors. To find your freedom, you must identify and lift all the judgments that are in your way."

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