
June 18, 2013

Feeling the Inspiration

12x12" on deep sided wood panel
Feeling a little Kandinsky inspired, in between working on commissioned pieces.  Fell behind on preparing for art shows this summer because of the creative block I experienced this spring, I hope never to be that cut off from creative outlet again!

24x48" in process
Got to tell you about a wonderful new product I've begun using for the final varnish finish on my acrylic pieces.  Dorland's Wax Medium. Used by oil painters as a cold wax medium it makes an amazing final coat over acrylics too.  For me it's a perfect fit for many of my pieces that I want to have that old world look, which is most of them.  I love the old masters/old world colours and depth and this product gives my work the kind of lustre I've been trying to achieve.  I use it like a paste wax, smoothing on a light coat with a soft cloth, letting it dry and then buffing it with a clean soft cloth.  A word of caution, because it's wax based it would be difficult to come in after and add more acrylics to it, so it needs to be a piece that you know is 'done.'

I'm giving a Nikon DX a go. I borrowed one of my daughter's SLR cameras to try out and take some shots of my art.  I must say I like this camera, better clarity and detail and I love my detail macro shots!

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