
March 19, 2013

Extraordinary Women

On the table this week, one on it's way the other almost complete.  The photo of the tree in the mixed media piece was taken by my youngest sister, Ree as I call her (Doreen Graham) and the wonderful old truck photo by my other younger sister, Kel (Kellie Graham).

I have these amazing women in my life, they enrich my life and inspire me by who they are, all the Creator has poured into them.  Mother, sisters, daughter. Then into the next layer of daughter-in-love and grand-daughters.  Their talent, intelligence and strength fill me with awe most days, then there are those times when they move into the extraordinary... if I could paint those qualities they would vibrate in depth, mystery and layers, it would be the work of a lifetime.

'Solar Flare' detail, visit my website
"When painting from intuition, you never choose an image, you just find it, obvious, alive, waiting to be painted.  It is born naturally out of the womb of your inner world."  Cassou- Point Zero

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