
October 26, 2012

Start With Easy

My camera skills have been maxed out this week, trying to photograph the piece that we covered in resin, twice!  In truth the resin is easy to work with, but my textured paintings aren't!  Jean (my husband) and I did two coats on this trying to get a smooth finish over a few high peaks, we didn't quite succeed but it's not bad for a first try.  I realize I should have taken my brayer and flattened out a few higher ridges so that the resin would have covered better as it settled.  As for photographing it, well my little point and shoot and the massive windows in my loft made that impossible, most the time I either had windows reflecting in my painting or me!  Not a good thing, made me laugh though and I always appreciate a good laugh.  I did manage to paint a small 12x12" shown in the picture, and I finished out a larger commissioned piece which I will share once I've delivered it, I'm very happy with how it turned out.

My loft display wall is looking a little sparse, I've been preparing and packing up paintings for delivery next week for the upcoming Small Works Group Art Sale at Andrew & Laura McCain Art Gallery.  It's nice to see those sparse walls and know that my work is out there gaining some exposure.  My larger works are decorating Klub Soda in Fredericton, more exposure and hey one sold this week!  So grateful for the opportunities that have come my way and for each person who chooses to purchase some of my art.

Continuing to be inspired by reading Michell Cassou's, "Life, Paint & Passion."  She will say things like, "Why do we make our work so dramatically important?" Why indeed!  Then she will go on to explain that when we over identify with a particular piece we get into the way of the process and usually wind up frustrated and or derailed.

"To keep your process flowing, to feel the enjoyment of creation, you first need to go where it is easy. Easy means ripe. Go where you are attracted, whether it be towards a detail or a large shape. While you work on the part that is easy, other parts will mature in you and they will be ready and waiting..."

So keep it loose and easy!  We'll try Michell, we will try...
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