
September 27, 2012

Web Course & Stuff

Well, the last of the art fairs for the season are behind me, it's been a learning experience and I'm looking forward to doing the rounds next year.  Though I hope to be better prepared and maybe get a lead on some new ones to add to the line up.

Had to spend some time this week creating a place to display medium to small pieces in the loft. Didn't have the floor space to keep stacking them so I used the lattice work frame to hang them on. I'm not looking to create pretty, just a practical way to store and now display some canvasses.

Have a few commissioned pieces to work on so I got started on them, feels good to be able to take the kind of time I want to develop them. I'm also working on developing a website and creating a base to be able to sell my art on-line, yeah a step forward!  As a 'Christmas gift' from my hubby, I'm taking the WebInArts course on-line, that's going to keep me busy this fall I can tell you! Leslie brings a lot to the table, with her extensive marketing background and successful art career, helpful stuff.

The weekends coming and so is my sister Kel!  Can't wait, hanging out at the farm with my family and it's fall, nothing like it!

"The appearance of boredom and tiredness is a sign that you are not listening to your intuition." Michele Cassou

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