
March 31, 2012

What's Percolating!

Busy week in the studio.  This new little piece, 16 X 40" now hangs at Klub Soda, along with three other pieces.  It's an new opportunity to display my work for which I am very grateful.

I had hoped to add a second new piece to be displayed, but I pushed too hard and wound up doing a poor job with painting portions of it that I just couldn't recover from, so out came the gesso storm and a fresh start!  It's one of the things I have to stay aware of when living with fibromyalgia, if you push too hard the weakness that floods through your body and the pain keep you from being able to do a good job with detailed finishes.  The spirit is always willing to go farther than my body will take me, and it's a reality I have to keep reminding myself of, stop before the exhaustion and pain take you to places you don't want to go!

I've also been working on a custom mixed-media piece that has some special meaning for my client.  I love working on these, weaving into them symbols that are meaningful to them.  I have a lot of detailing work to do on it, the picture doesn't show the numerous stencilled designs and symbols as yet.  More pictures when it's complete.

"Resistance likes to use fear of rejection to paralyze us and prevent us, if not from doing the work, then from exposing it to public evaluation.  Resistance is not the enemy. The battle is inside our own heads.  The artist loves her work, she invests in it wholeheartedly. But she does not forget that the work is not her. Her artistic self contains many works...already the next is percolating inside her..." The War of Art by S. Pressfield

Here's to what's percolating inside all of us!
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