
November 2, 2014

Contentment In Creating

Snow is on the ground! We got our first snow fall and I am loving it!

Winter is my time to experiment and try new things with my artwork, and I love it, love the freedom to just combine ideas and see what happens.  It's the time I am most content. Winter spells freedom for me so I love it!

My "Shades of Grey" piece is getting closer to that finished place, I think...

Working with this particular palette in such a limited colour mix has been a challenge, but oh my gosh the textures I've achieved on this one is over the top.

It began with texture paste and diatomaceous earth

Golden crackle paste, collage and palette knife to paint.

I feel like I'm unearthing treasure!

Then on the table, under wraps, well you just never know what you will find under there!  Have no idea if it's going to work as I hope, but I'm sure it will at least make an interesting background if not!

Anyway, hope others are having as much fun as I am, and above all feeling the contentment that comes with doing just what your spirit needs to.

"The magic of the creative process will never be experienced unless we persist and trust that there is a force working in every situation that we cannot know until we undergo the experience."  Trust The Process by Shaun McNiff

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