
April 29, 2014

Crackling Issues

#128 Ligneus 12x24"
Finalized version. Added some copper embellishments to enhance a few areas, I'm pleased that it can hang vertically and horizontally.  With the bronze underpainting, this piece has luminous aged wood look, thus the name "Ligneus" Latin for Ligneous meaning: wood like

As you can see the big boy (48x48") is textured, dried and waiting for paint. Now for some inspiration of how I want to paint it!

Colour selection can often challenge me and when working at this scale I'm taking probably too much, intimidating time to decide.  It's a lot of paint to waste if I don't like where it goes, so I'm kind of stalled out, or maybe just waiting until my gut tells me I'm ready.

In the meantime this guy is getting decked out and I do know what and how I want to paint him, just waiting on a new shipment of crackle to arrive, which is really what I wanted to share in this post.

As you know I love my crackle and although I use other varieties, like Golden's crackle paste, Ranger's, Jo Sonja's is my go to crackle for most things.  I order in bulk and finally worked through my stash to the new bottles I had ordered in February.  Much to my dismay, none of the bottles would crackle!  Like many things, this product is sensitive to temperature extremes.
On the bottle it warns you to store away from direct sunlight but I'm also discovering that it can't take too cold temperatures either.  Because I ordered this in February to an International Mailbox service where packages are kept in a warehouse until picked up, I'm afraid the snapping cold winter we had resulted in my bottles being affected, results no more crackling.  Needless to say, I'll be stocking up in Spring and early fall from now on!

My loft companion.  She's an old gal (going on 14, NS Duck Toller) and always seems to plant herself where ever I am in the house.  Behind her is an unfinished piece waiting for the arrival of my shipment of crackle, and a nice stack of canvas I invested in @ a great price 3 for the price of 1.  (Wood panels in the big box)  Should keep me busy for a time I'm thinking!

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